Boswell News
Booking Guide for On-line Event Registration
Guide to using the Event On-line booking system
Step 1
Select the event you would like to register in by clicking on the event link as circled below in red. Note: Please check that the correct date for the selected event is what you require.
Step 2
Click on the ‘Join’ button as circled below in red.
Step 3
Select the Classes that you wish to enter into as circled below in red. Then click on ‘Next Step’ blue button at the bottom
Step 4
Enter the details of the Riders and Horses/Pony’s as highlighted in red below. Then click on ‘Add to cart’ blue button at the bottom.
If the SAME Rider and Horse combination is entering multiple classes then please click NO button to get the discounted 2nd entry fee.
Step 5
You will have a message ‘Tickets successfully added to cart’.
You will also see a fully priced out summary of your booking.
You now have the option to add more bookings to your shopping cart by clicking on the ‘Continue Shopping’ Button, Clearing your shopping cart by clicking the ‘Clear Cart’ red button or finalising your transaction with a payment by clicking on the ‘Checkout’ blue or Green button.
Step 6
Enter the First and Last Names, email and Mobile of the person making the booking as highlighted in red.
Note: Please ensure that a valid email is used or else the transaction will not clear!
Then click on the ‘Pay xx.xx€’ Blue button to pay via Stripe as a credit card transaction.
Step 7
Check that the correct amount is being charged on left side of screen.
Enter your Credit Card details as highlighted.
Optionally tick the ‘Save credit card’ box if you wish to hold credit card details for this Boswell booking system on your device then click on ‘Pay’ blue button.
You will receive a verification email for your booking shortly after.
Shows Alert
Our Arenas are available to be hired for training and competitions please call us for more information!
Interschools 16th of February
For pony camp details and dates please click on events
Next feed order dates: 24th feb, 17th March