On October 12, 2024Entries will close two days prior to show at 2pm. Please inform yourself on all rules on the Interschools website
On October 12, 2024Must Enter 3 shows and final to be eligible for prize
On October 12, 2024Must enter 2 shows and final on the 21st of December to be eligible for prize fund. 1st: €1000 Tack shop Voucher 2nd: €500 Tack Shop Voucher 3rd: €200 Tack shop Voucher +goodies
On October 19, 2024Must Enter 3 shows and final to be eligible for prize
On October 26, 2024Must enter 2 shows and final on the 21st of December to be eligible for prize fund. 1st: €1000 Tack shop Voucher 2nd: €500 Tack Shop Voucher 3rd: €200 Tack shop Voucher +goodies
On October 26, 2024Must Enter 3 shows and final to be eligible for prize
On October 26, 2024Must enter 2 shows and final on the 21st of December to be eligible for prize fund. 1st: €1000 Tack shop Voucher 2nd: €500 Tack Shop Voucher 3rd: €200 Tack shop Voucher +goodies
On October 27, 2024Must Enter 3 shows and final to be eligible for prize
On October 28, 2024Entries Close 2pm 26th of October, Cafe will be open from 9am on the day! Riding school entries welcome, Ponies will be on a 1st come 1st served basis.... no refunds once entries close.
On October 28, 2024Entries Close 2pm 26th of October, Cafe will be open from 9am on the day! Riding school entries welcome, Ponies will be on a 1st come 1st served basis.... no refunds once entries close.
On November 02, 2024Entries will close Friday at 2pm prior to show. Prize in Kind for winner of each class at the end of league. Must Enter 2 shows & Final to be eligible. SHOW STARTS AT 10AM
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